Natural Remedies Blow Colds Away
Released on = January 9, 2006, 4:12 pm
Press Release Author = Boots Herbal Stores
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = COUGHS, COLDS, COLD SORES AND FLU - it's that time of year
again. Prepare for winter chills by building up your natural immunity. And if
disaster strikes and you pick up an infection, reach for natural first aid
Press Release Body = OREGON GRAPE
Blood purifier and fever-buster
This herb has a high content of the alkaloids, berberine, hydrastine and canadine,
which have strong antibiotic activity against a wide variety of harmful organisms
including staphylococcus, strepococcus, chlamydia, salmonella and candida.
Berberine's action against some of these pathogens is actually stronger than that of
antibiotics commonly used for these foreign invaders.
Prevention and relief
Numerous studies have proven the effectiveness of vitamin C in higher dosages for
the prevention and relief of cold and flu symptoms.
Researchers from Heber City, Utah reported that vitamin C decreased cold and flu
symptoms reported by 85 per cent of men and women.
A New form of vitamin C has been developed and patented in the USA that has proven
particularly effective - Ester-C is a buffered form of vitamin C that reduces the
acidity and is especially gentle on the stomach.
This enables the user to take higher levels without gastrointestinal discomfort.
For super immunity
A number of reviewed studies have demonstrated improvements in health among those
using the herbal remedy, echinacea, including reductions in the incidence and
duration of colds.
For example, one eight week double-blind study in 109 subjects showed a decrease in
the incidence of colds, with the echinacea group reporting half the number of
incidences of "pronounced respiratory infections requiring absence from work or bed
for cough relief
Licorice is a helpful remedy for coughs as it acts as an expectorant, facilitating
the movement of mucus from the respiratory tract. Additionally, licorice has
anti-microbial, immune boosting and adrenal supportive properties.
ST JOHN'S WORT help for sad days
SAD or Season Affected Disorder is now widely recognized as a cause of depression
during the winter months.
A two-page spread in Newsweek (May 5, 1997) entitled, "A Natural Mood Booster,"
described the success and safety of a herb called St. John's Wort Hypericum
perforatum) in treating depression.
Newsweek reports, "It's been popular for about 15 years in Europe as a natural
remedy for depression. In Germany, where it's currently the leading treatment,
physicians write some three million prescriptions a year-25 times the number they
write for Prozac."
Immunity & anti-viral
Zinc is involved in virtually every aspect of immunity.
Zinc supplementation produced a significant restoration of serum thymulin (a hormone
produced by the thymus gland). Typically, as we age the level of thymulin and other
immune- enhancing thymus hormones decrease. The reduction of these hormones leads to
an impaired immune system. Zinc like vitamin C, also
possesses direct antiviral action. This includes antiviral activity against several
viruses that cause the common cold.
Lifestyle changes to avoid infections include regular handwashing, drinking plenty
of water and limiting sugar intake.
"When the cold season reaches us , sometimes the simplest remedies, such as vitamin
C and Echinacea, can have the best results," says Keith Woolley, Director, Boots
Herbal Stores (an authorised Viridian stockist).
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Contact Details = Keith Woolley||5 Castle Walk||Newcastle , ST5
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